Registering and Signing into the Agtegra App & Portal
- Please go to
- On the right-hand side hover over Login and choose Portal Registration
Please fill out all the required information on this form then make sure to review the portal agreement and the Portal Privacy Policy before adding your full name and submitting the form.
After submitting that form it will go to Agtegra’s Account Set-up. Once they get everything set-up and linked you will get an email and you will have to click on the blue box to confirm and create your password.
To download the App on your phone you will have to go to the Google Play store or Apple Store and search for Agtegra Mobile
Here is the link for Google Play and what it will look like.
Here is the link for Apple
Once you have the app downloaded you should be able to open the App enter your username and password and you should have the App open up to Cash Bids.